MobLabs Terms Of Usages

Welcome to the U.S. digital platforms, websites, applications (“apps”), blogs, or other online offerings owned or operated by Path (collectively, the “Services”) that post links to these Terms of Use. The Services include marketing services, products and subscriptions offered by

Please review these Terms of Use carefully before using the Services. The Terms of Use govern each user’s (“you” or “your”) use of and/or access to the Services.

By using or accessing the Services, you acknowledge and agree that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. You also acknowledge that you have read and understood our data practices as described in the Privacy Policy applicable to the Services and Content you use.

These Terms of Use affect your legal rights, responsibilities and obligations, govern your use of the Services, are legally binding, limit’s liability to you, and require you to indemnify us and to settle certain disputes through individual arbitration. Please note that nothing in these Terms of Use affects your mandatory statutory rights under applicable law, to the extent that such rights apply to you and cannot be limited or excluded.

If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms of Use, and any applicable Additional Terms (defined below), you should not use or access the Services, and, where applicable, you should uninstall any Services downloads and applications.

In some instances, you may be subject to different or additional terms and conditions, policies and guidelines (“Additional Terms”) that are applicable to certain parts of the Services. Those Additional Terms will be posted on the Services in connection with the relevant offering. In the event of a conflict between these Terms of Use and the Additional Terms, the Additional Terms shall control.

These Terms of Use and the Additional Terms are subject to change at any time, so we encourage you to periodically review all terms and conditions posted on the Services. If we make any material changes to these Terms of Use or the applicable Additional Terms, we will post the updated version(s), along with an effective date, and notify you by means of a notice on the Services. In the event that you have these Terms of Use cached on your browser, the Terms of Use that apply to you are the most recent version of the Terms of Use that appear on a non-cached browser.

If any changes to these Terms of Use or Additional Terms are not acceptable to you, you must stop your access to and/or use of the Services and, where applicable, uninstall any Services downloads and applications.